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Fundraising for AIFA 2025 research grants

25 June 2024: 

As the 30th June 2024 and the end of the financial year approaches, we appeal to you to support new and emerging allergy and immunology researchers with a tax-deductible donation to the Allergy and Immunology Foundation of Australasia (AIFA).

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ResearchEvery dollar that you donate goes directly to funding research projects, not to advertising, administration, or fundraising campaigns.

Read about the research projects supported by AIFA grants from 2014 to 2023 here

Research projects awarded funding in 2023 included:

The RiskED study

Chronic diseases involving strict dietary adherence have been associated with an increased risk of eating disorders (EDs). A recent systematic review suggested that eating disorders may be more prevalent in individuals with food allergy compared to those without. Eating disorders have an increased risk of premature mortality, a high personal and economic burden and lengthy delays in diagnosis and treatment. However, research is limited exploring risk factors for eating disorders in those living with food allergy. This project aims to identify predictive as well as modifiable factors that increase the risk of eating disorders in individuals with food allergy. This will be the first survey of its kind and will provide valuable insights into factors that can help identify individuals at a higher risk of eating disorders. Learn more...

Improving the survival and clinical outcomes of patients with IFNAR1 deficiency in Oceania

Effective communication is crucial for our immune system to function normally. When a virus invades our body, our immune cells have to be able to receive warning signals communicated from other cells, so that they can respond promptly and efficiently to protect our body. When communication is disrupted, a person can get life-threatening or fatal viral infections. A genetic form of such communication disruption, affecting a crucial receptor of warning signals, is called IFNAR1 deficiency.

Although extremely rare globally, Dr Hsiao's team has found IFNAR1 deficiency to occur more commonly in the Pacific region. To date, doctors and nurses in New Zealand and Australia have diagnosed and looked after a small number of children affected by this rare condition. Despite the best medical care, 60% of these children affected by viral infection with excessive inflammation died.

It is hoped that this project will ultimately lead to improved chances of survival for children who have IFNAR1 deficiency in the Oceanian region. Learn more... 

AIFA is the only charity that specifically funds allergy and immunology research in Australia and New Zealand. AIFA funds research projects that aim to improve prevention, diagnosis and treatments for allergies, immunodeficiencies and other immune diseases. 

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AIFA Research Symposium at the ASCIA 2024 Conference

Chief Investigators who were awarded AIFA grants in 2022 will present an update on their projects at the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) 2024 Conference in Adelaide on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.

For program details and registration visit